Posts in Advice
Why Does Design Cost So Much?

No one is a stranger to things costing money in the world. You have to pay for plumbers, electricians and contractors to make sure your house is built correctly, right? That’s an investment you are making to make sure your house doesn’t look like the Leaning Tower of Pisa or burst into flames if you turn on a light. Sure it’s expensive, but it’s necessary. Design is the same way for a business and you need to know why design work is an investment. I’ll tell you why…

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Celebrating One Year

It’s the one year anniversary of deciding to start my own design business. I remember being surrounded by many google docs, spreadsheets, and pro-con lists around this time last year. Fitting in some freelance work part time in addition to my software development job had been the norm and kept my Saturdays busy but didn’t feel like a sustainable option for me until…

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